Weather the Day of or facility closed due to weather – We will work with you to find a date within 60 days to utilize your deposit. This is based on our availability. If a date cannot be found then the funds are considered forfeited.

Event Cancels for any other reason-Funds are considered forfeited. We often book fundraisers a year in advance and dates fill fast. Most likely we have declined events for the date your funds were holding and can no longer recoup that time slot.

NOV and DEC Fundraisers have 2 booking options:
Book WITH a deposit: This deposit is non-refundable however if you find you need to cancel we will allow the event to be rebooked within 6 months and the funds to be used toward the reschedule date. This ONLY applies if the cancellation meets the criteria listed below:
-Building Mechanical Failure
-I’m sure we haven’t thought of everything but the final say will be up to Chris Cakes as to whether or not the deposit is forfeited or a reschedule is allowed.
-Any rescheduled date that cancels will forfeit funds entirely no matter the cause.
Book WITHOUT a deposit: If you need to cancel FOR ANY REASON (including snow days or closures) after September 30th, we will invoice you 100% of your required minimum charge listed on your quote. This is because we have reserved the date for you and will have definitely turned down other events. There is no ability to reschedule your payment to another event. That benefit only applies if you chose the deposit route listed above.
We only have limited availability to accept fundraisers and if we have sold out of our fundraiser option we will do our best to direct you to another menu.